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College of Pharmacy

Xavier of Louisiana College of Pharmacy

Xavier University of Louisiana, 由圣凯瑟琳·德雷塞尔和圣礼修女创立, is Catholic and historically Black. 药学院健康科学课程的使命是培养学生成为医疗保健提供者和科学家的杰出领导者,以影响医疗服务不足的人群, particularly African American communities, to achieve health equity, 通过以患者为中心的护理,消除差距,改善所有人群的健康, community engagement, and research or other scholarly work.

College of Pharmacy

药学是一个令人兴奋的职业, 随着医疗保健行业的不断变化,哪些会继续发展. 从业人员经过培训,可以在动态和多样化的医疗保健环境中提供药物护理. e世博esball药学院努力管理学术课程,使毕业生在进步的实践中脱颖而出.

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What can XU do for you?

Dual Degree Programse世博esball大学药学院(COP)双学位课程(DDP)为学生提供了在7年而不是8年时间内完成学士学位和药学博士学位要求的机会.

Exposure to Pharmacy: To 让我们的学生更好地为药学领域做好准备, 学生将参加七个临床轮转在不同地点的药房.  这使我们的学生能够运用他们的技能获得实践经验

Career Pathways in Pharmacy: 说到药房,很多人只想到零售店里的当地药剂师.  点击这里了解超过100个职业机会,为你获得了你的药学学位.D.

Research 作为药学院的一名学生, 您可以使用2021年获得近600万美元研究资金的设施. 看看我们的教师正在进行的一些惊人的研究.

Top 4
Degree Programs
82% of 2021 graduates

Academic Programs

Xavier University's Pharm.D. Program is dedicated to bringing minority students into the pharmacy profession and is one of the top four producers of African American Doctor of Pharmacy degrees in the nation. The College is open to all races and provides a curriculum that combines instruction in physical, chemical, biological and behavioral sciences, and management, with a clinical component designed to develop graduates skilled in drug therapy, drug distribution and patient communication. Experiential training is provided through preceptors in a variety of health care facilities and students benefit from expert guest lecturers.

Four-Year Entry Level Pharm. D. Program

The Xavier University Physician Assistant Program is a 28-month master in health science degree program that combines a 12-month didactic phase with a 16-month clinical phase. The program's mission is to educate physician assistants to become ethical, competent and compassionate professionals, dedicated to providing quality healthcare for diverse communities. It is in the spirit of academic excellence that this program strives to improve healthcare and promote a more just and humane society.

About M.H.S

The M.S. 药学专业是30学时, 为期两年的课程,包括12小时的核心课程, 6 hours of thesis research, 还有12小时的药学选修课程.

About M.S


该部门包括临床实践教师和行为和行政科学领域的教师. The division strives to prepare our students to excel in an ever changing healthcare environment through our dedication to provide exemplary professional clinical practice to the community and leadership to the profession; educate students with advanced pedagogy and pharmacy practice modeling and guidance; and engage in scholarship to advance the clinical, administrative, and educational aspects of pharmacy. 我们通过为医疗服务不足的患者提供先进的药物管理和教育,直接为学院的使命做出贡献.

该科负责教授支撑药学领域的基础科学, such as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, 以及与制药科学相关的课程, such as pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmaceutics.

敬业的教职员工积极参与药物发现和开发等领域的前沿研究, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology. 我们的研究人员与大学内的其他部门和学院合作,促进跨学科研究和教育.

我们为研究生和博士后提供卓越的培训和指导, 谁追求制药科学的职业生涯. 我们的毕业生有能力通过基础和应用研究为新药和疗法的发展做出贡献.

我们的部门致力于通过卓越的教育和研究来推动药学领域的发展. 我们为下一代药剂师和制药科学家的培训做出贡献而感到自豪, 并在促进我们对药物开发原理的理解方面发挥重要作用.



current P3 student, COP Class of 2024

“我选择了药房,因为这是帮助社区人民的直接途径,我可以上6年学,而不是8年去当医生, so yeah, pharmacy is definitely the way to go.


current P3 student, COP Class of 2024

“我想当你来到这里时,你可能心中有一个目标. However, those things will be amplified, 你不知道的内在的东西会被揭露出来. 所以我了解这里的人,hbcu带给生活的文化使这里成为一个神奇的地方.”


current P3 student, COP Class of 2024